

October 7, 2023


CFCM HexigonAward 400Hexigone, a provider of sustainable corrosion inhibitors, was recently awarded a renewed EcoVadis Gold rating in 2023, reaffirming their commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices. This prestigious recognition places Hexigone in the top five per cent of companies assessed for sustainability on a global scale.

EcoVadis, a globally trusted provider of sustainability ratings, has a massive network of over 100,000 rated companies worldwide. The organisation evaluates company’s performance through focusing on four key pillars: environment, labour and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. Hexigone's renewed EcoVadis Gold rating signifies their focus on creating a positive impact on the environment, society, and their stakeholders.

The company was born through research into replacing toxic chromate inhibitors and heavy metals—bringing to market a sustainable inhibitor that can reach C5 corrosion protection. Additionally, the manufacturing process is powered by carbon free electricity and supplemented by circular economy principles.